On the other hand, movies present the reader with a ready visual image. In the Harry Potter Movies, the images of creatures such as trolls and goblins are presented to the audience. The imagination of the viewer is not required since the movie makers have already created the image they want the audience to have.
Books and movies differ in the level of detail provided. In books, the author spends a lot of time providing details of characters, events, objects, and places. These lengthy descriptions are necessary to help the reader to create a mental image of the story.
With movies, there are no lengthy details used. Movies do not have to engage in detailed descriptions since a complicated image can be shown in a single movie shot. Mayer notes that a movie can, within the span of a few seconds, graphically show a mass of details to the viewer Books and movies are both adequate means of telling a story. While the two make use of different technologies to communicate with an audience, they have some similarities.
These include the use of stories and the reliance on characters to tell the story. However, the two have major differences in terms of the level of imagination required of the audience and the use of details. On overall, books and movies are important communication mediums that play a great role in our society. Bordwell, David, and Janet Staiger. NY: Routledge, Mayer, Robert. Eighteenth-Century Fiction on Screen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Reading books and watching movies are similar as they both tell a story and give details and information about the story.
Reading books or watching movies gives the reader and the viewer the same feeling and emotions about the story. People can feel gloomy or pleased with the story after reading a book or watching a movie. Both books and movies have the same general concepts, which are the themes and main characters of …show more content… People have to be determined and focused in order to complete a whole book. Everyone has, at some point of their life tried to read a book and some have even given up after battling to read through the first page.
On the other hand, watching movies is easy and can save a lot of time. Usually a movie takes about two hours, while reading a book could take more than a week or even months for some readers. Individuals think perusing books and watching movies are the same, so they will watch the movie for their time 's sake. Also, watching movies provide superior picture about the story since it is visual and is within a short timeframe so, the audience can remember the story easier. To add more, you can complete a movie in one sitting while to complete a book, you have to work hard and give a lot time for it.
Furthermore, you can do anything while watching movies. For instance, you can do your assignment while watching movies or cook food and watch movies. Besides, movies continue renewing each week, whereas for a book to be composed and distributed takes a lot of time Lee, wordpress. Before movies were made, most of the population read books to engage and improve themselves.
Since movies came out, people are pulled in by the delightful and bright representation in the motion …show more content… Also, books usually have more characters and give continued suspense so that the reader will be hooked or addicted to finish the book to find out the story. On the other hand, movie producers need to eliminate so many details about the story in order to squeeze everything into one to two hours. Due to this, those people who love detail information about stories usually prefer books than movies as movies does not have a detailed information about the story.
Therefore, books and movies have their own importance and it completely depends on people whether they prefer reading books or watching movies. Their reasons can be different on their preference for books or movies, but whatever the reason is, reading books and watching movies have the same purpose in their life. Both tell a story and give details and information, and people read books or watch movies to entertain and utilize their leisure.
Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Books and Movies Words 2 Pages. Books and Movies. Read More. Good Essays. Book vs. Better Essays. Novel vs. It is a damning stain on our society that the majority of teenagers would rather watch a film adaptation than pick up a book. If a novel has been turned into a film you should always read the novel first because it enchants your imagination more. Moreover, you should read the book first as the author imagined the plot the way they wrote it.
Although watching the film can give you a new interpretation of the story, it can also ruin the way you imagined it. When you read a book, you can interpret the plot and the story to your liking. Books allow your mind to be creative. Furthermore, books are much more detailed than films. Usually a film lasts approximately two hours while in a book there can be hundreds maybe thousands of pages of description.
Books also develop their characters much more and add multiple dimensions to them; such as detailing their emotions and thoughts. Books also improve your vocabulary. You may not notice it but while your reading a brilliant novel you are improving your spelling, punctuation and grammar.