Emerald Pokemon 3. Venus Fly Traps 2. A Fly Venus Fly Trap 6. Pokemon Pokemon Games 1. Venus Fly Traps Now take the top teleport. Take the telport on the far right. Enter the door. Take the teleport on the right. Head up the stairs. Now head into the other doorway in this room. Step on the teleport in this room. Battle the Aqua Admin and then step into the bottom teleport and head up the stairs to get out of the hideout.
Hello Guest. Log In. Quick Links:. Search the Psydex. Search psypokes. Search WWW. OmegaRuby AlphaSapphire. Black White Black2 White2. HeartGold SoulSilver. Diamond Pearl Platinum. FireRed LeafGreen. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Where can I find hm 2 fly?
I need help finding it User Info: cr4zyyxm4n. User Info: cr4zyyxm4n. Accepted Answer. First, teach it to a Pokemon; you must have done this before with a different HM if you're this far into the game. Please log in or register to answer this question. Step 1: Beat the main game. Before catching the Kyogre, you will need to beat the main game by defeating elite and other champions. Capturing Rayquaza 1 Fly to Pacifidlog town, then surf up to the cave just to the northeast.
Go to the space center and talk to the sailor character. The sailor will give you the sun stone item. Go into the gym building in Mossdeep City and beat all of the Team Magma trainers in the gym. Talk to Steven and he will give you the dive ball.