That's because they're unlikely to have an injury that would lead to bleeding. Bleeding may happen after a circumcision , which can lead to the diagnosis. As kids get older and more active, a doctor might suspect hemophilia if a child bruises easily and bleeds too much when injured. Hemophilia treatment centers can provide full care to kids with hemophilia. Check the CDC's website to find locations throughout the U.
The main treatment for hemophilia is factor replacement therapy. This gives the body the clotting factor it needs. It is given intravenously IV, into a vein. A person may get factor replacement on a regular schedule known as prophylaxis or as a treatment for bleeding. Several products are now available. Talk about treatment options with the hemophilia care team. Doctors also can give medicines to help control bleeding during procedures such as dental cleanings and surgeries.
Some people with hemophilia develop inhibitors antibodies to the clotting factor. Their bodies see the new clotting factor as an invader and develop antibodies that block its clotting action.
This can make the hemophilia hard to treat, and requires different factor replacement therapy. Help your child with hemophilia get the best care and avoid bleeding problems as much as possible. These tips can help:. Also, tell your child's school staff, friends, and all caregivers that your child has hemophilia. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health. From Genetics Home Reference.
Description Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process. Frequency The two major forms of hemophilia occur much more commonly in males than in females. Causes Changes in the F8 gene are responsible for hemophilia A, while mutations in the F9 gene cause hemophilia B.
Learn more about the genes associated with Hemophilia F8 F9. Inheritance Hemophilia A and hemophilia B are inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. Research Studies from ClinicalTrials. Haemophilias A and B.
Citation on PubMed Franchini M. Acquired hemophilia A. Citation on PubMed Giangrande P. Haemophilia B: Christmas disease. Expert Opin Pharmacother.
It is carried on chromosome 12 and occurs in males and females at the same rate. While people of every race and ethnicity can get hemophilia, there are some challenges that are unique to certain populations. Some studies have found that being Black or Hispanic may possibly play a role in increasing the risk of inhibitor development among people with hemophilia. One study, published in April in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities , found that non-white young adults with moderate or severe hemophilia were more than 5 times as likely as whites to report high levels of chronic pain.
Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is a trusted resource for health and medical information, including information about hemophilia. The NHF is dedicated to finding better treatments and a cure for inheritable bleeding disorders.
It does this through awarding research grants and through political advocacy at all levels of government. It also offers opportunities for community education and support through its local chapters , and has a camp locator for children with bleeding disorders.
By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools. Reviewed: September 9, Medically Reviewed. Types of Hemophilia Hemophilia A Classic Hemophilia The most common type of hemophilia, hemophilia A, is caused by an insufficient amount of clotting factor 8. It rarely occurs in females. Common signs and symptoms of hemophilia include: 1 Bleeding into the joints, which can cause swelling and pain or tightness in the joints often the knees, elbows, and ankles Bleeding into the skin bruising or into muscle and soft tissue, causing an accumulation of blood hematoma Bleeding of the mouth and gums, and bleeding that is difficult to stop after losing a tooth Bleeding after circumcision Bleeding after having shots or vaccines Bleeding in the head of an infant after the baby is delivered Blood in the urine or stool Frequent bleeding and nosebleeds that are difficult to stop.
In most cases, hemophilia is an inherited disease. This means a person who has hemophilia inherited the genetic mutation that causes it from one or both parents. In rare cases, a person develops hemophilia late in life, sometimes because of an underlying autoimmune disease. Is hemophilia inherited from the mother or the father? The genes for hemophilia A and B are carried on the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes and men have one.
Any boy who receives an X chromosome with the gene mutation from his mother will have hemophilia. A girl must receive X chromosomes with the mutation from both parents to have it.
Hemophilia C is inherited from both mothers and fathers. Can girls have hemophilia? Yes, girls who receive two X chromosomes or chromosome 4, in the case of hemophilia C with genetic mutations, one from each parent, will have hemophilia.
However, girls who receive only one such chromosome may still have clotting factor deficiencies and experience excessive bleeding. Can you grow out of hemophilia?
No, hemophilia is a lifelong condition. In the future, gene therapy for hemophilia may make infusions of clotting factor unnecessary. What is the average life expectancy of a person with hemophilia?
In most cases, hemophilia is a genetic, or inherited, disease. Screening Tests Screening tests are blood tests that reveal whether the blood is clotting properly. There are several types of screening tests for hemophilia: Complete Blood Count CBC This test measures the amount of hemoglobin the red pigment inside red blood cells that carries oxygen , the size and amount of red blood cells, and the amounts of white blood cells and platelets in the blood.
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time APTT Test This test reveals how much time it takes for blood to clot; specifically, it measures the clotting ability of factors 8, 9, 11, and Fibrinogen Test This test also reveals how well a person can form a blood clot.
Learn more about diagnosis. The best way to treat hemophilia is to replace the missing blood clotting factor so that the blood can clot properly. This is done by infusing administering through a vein commercially prepared factor concentrates.
People with hemophilia can learn how to perform these infusions themselves so that they can stop bleeding episodes and, by performing the infusions on a regular basis called prophylaxis , can even prevent most bleeding episodes.
Good quality medical care from doctors and nurses who know a lot about the disorder can help prevent some serious problems. An HTC not only provides care to address all issues related to the disorder, but also provides health education that helps people with hemophilia stay healthy.
Learn more about treatment. About percent of people with hemophilia develop an antibody called an inhibitor that stops the clotting factors from being able to clot the blood and stop bleeding. Treatment of bleeding episodes becomes extremely difficult, and the cost of care for a person with an inhibitor can skyrocket because more clotting factor or a different type of clotting factor is needed.
People with inhibitors often experience more joint disease and other problems from bleeding that result in a reduced quality of life. Learn more about inhibitors. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link. Section Navigation. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Syndicate.