Reverso for Windows It's free Download our free app. Join Reverso, it's free and fast! Register Login. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. And then, together, they can embark on that most great and most serious journey of life. His first more serious journey was taken to the Danube delta to study ornithology.
Bhutan has embarked on such a serious journey. Suggest an example. Undoubtedly, all developing countries face serious obstacles to their development journey.
It must be serious to make such a dangerous journey. But the traumatic events of 11 September dealt a serious blow to those hopes, intervening in our journey to the envisioned goal. Mental's Horde Are you afraid of monsters? Egypt A lot of things seem to happen here. Welcome to The wiki dedicated to the Serious Sam series that anyone can edit!
The wiki is a comprehensive database focusing on the science-fiction universe of first-person shooters, created by Croteam in with the release of Serious Sam: The First Encounter for Microsoft Windows. The story follow the exploits of Sam "Serious" Stone , Captain of the Earth Defense Force , as he battles to save humanity from merciless aliens.
Warning: this wiki contains heavy spoilers! We currently have 1, articles on this wiki Seriously helpful links Help Editing help Manual of Style Protection policy. Shooter Games.
Universal Conquest Wiki. More information The wiki dedicated to the Serious Sam series that anyone can edit! We currently have 1, articles on this wiki. Help Editing help Manual of Style Protection policy. Informative subjects. Help subjects.