Whether other drugs are used at the same time this includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines. Response to the drug for example, someone who uses amphetamines for the first time may have a different experience to someone who has used before.
Depending on how you use amphetamines, effects can be felt: immediately injecting or smoking up to 30 minutes snorting or swallowed. Short-term effects of amphetamines Some of the immediate effects of amphetamines include: a burst of energy — making the user talkative, restless and excited accelerated heart rate and breathing high-blood pressure hypertension dry mouth and jaw clenching sweating dilated large pupils loss of appetite increased sex drive libido nosebleeds and damage to the nasal passage from snorting.
How long do amphetamine effects last? What is binge crashing? You may experience: sleep difficulties, extreme exhaustion headaches , muscle twitching and aches irritability, mood swings and depression paranoia , hallucinations, confusion change in body temperature.
Symptoms of amphetamine overdose Amphetamine overdose may occur if you: take a strong batch use a large amount mix amphetamines with other drugs — including over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
Symptoms of amphetamine overdose may include: breathing difficulties seizures including fits and uncontrolled jerking chest pain or racing heartbeat chills or fever no urine output extreme agitation — can lead to hostility, aggression and violence paranoia , hallucinations or delusions.
Amphetamine dependence, tolerance and withdrawal It is possible to build up a tolerance to amphetamines, which means the person using the drug needs to take larger doses to achieve the same effect. Amphetamine withdrawal If you have been using amphetamines for a long time, giving up can be a challenge. If you decide to stop or cut down, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms include: tiredness anxiety , depression and paranoia confusion and crankiness extreme hunger aches and pains sleep problems and nightmares. Treatment for amphetamine misuse Treatment options for drug use include: detoxification individual counselling group therapy.
Peer support — or talking to someone who has been in the same situation — can also be helpful. See your doctor for information and referral, or contact an alcohol and drug service. Amphetamines and the law Amphetamine use is restricted in Australia and can only be prescribed by a medical doctor for certain health conditions.
Penalties apply for amphetamines under federal and state laws for anyone who: Uses or keeps amphetamines in their possession. Makes, supplies or sells amphetamines to another person this includes without their consent — such as drink spiking.
Drives under the influence of amphetamines. Forges, alters or falsely obtains a prescription for amphetamines. Sells or possesses ice pipes applies in some states and territories, including Victoria.
Counselling Online Tel. Amphetamines , Alcohol and Drug Foundation. Give feedback about this page. Was this page helpful? Yes No. View all drugs. Related information. Support groups Family Drug Help. From other websites Alcohol and Drug Foundation.
Regular non-medical use of amphetamines can lead to tolerance. This means that the person needs to take more and more of the drug to get the desired effect. Regular use of amphetamines, especially when the drug is smoked or injected, can quickly cause addiction. Addiction means that cravings and compulsive use of the drug become very important to a person. People who use amphetamines often also use other drugs, such as alcohol , cannabis , or benzodiazepines , to help them relax and sleep.
This increases the risk for dependence on these other drugs. Chronic use of amphetamines can lead to serious physical and mental health problems.
Because amphetamines reduce appetite and fatigue, they can cause vitamin and sleep deficiencies and malnutrition, and make people more prone to illness. Regular use of amphetamines can also cause amphetamine psychosis. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and bizarre and violent behaviour. These symptoms usually disappear a few days or weeks after the drug use has stopped. Longer-term studies support the efficacy and safety of methylphenidate when taken as prescribed to treat hyperactivity, but more information is needed to evaluate its long-term effects.
A free tutorial on addiction is available on the Mental Health page. Back to top. Your donation will fund the groundbreaking mental health research that is helping people on the path to recovery. Keep your finger on our pulse — latest CAMH news, discoveries and ways to get involved delivered to your inbox. To unsubscribe at any time click the link in our mailing or email: unsubscribe camh. Where does it come from? What does it look like?
Amphetamines are injected, smoked, sniffed or taken as pills. Who uses it? How does it make you feel? How amphetamines make you feel depends on: how much you use how often and how long you use them how you use them by injection, orally, etc.
The effects of amphetamines are often different from person to person. Amphetamines can make people: alert, confident and energetic talkative, restless and excited feel a sense of power and superiority tense and nervous hostile and aggressive.
How long does the feeling last? However, in the s and s, amid growing concern about its adverse effects, it was replaced by newly available antidepressants. In rare cases, amphetamines are used alongside standard antidepressants to treat some types of depression that do not respond to other treatments, especially in people who also experience fatigue and apathy.
Physical side effects include :. People who follow the prescribed, therapeutic dose are unlikely to experience severe adverse effects. There have been fears that long-term use of amphetamines for ADHD could affect brain development, prevent physical growth, and increase the risk of drug abuse later in life. However, animal studies have suggested that this is unlikely. There is evidence that amphetamine use to treat ADHD could slow growth in children.
Minor effects on the cardiovascular system, including a rise in heart rate and blood pressure , may have long-term effects. Amphetamine is used as a recreational drug. People take it to boost libido, increase wakefulness, improve cognitive control, enhance sociability, and induce euphoria. When amphetamines are used at higher doses and through routes that are not prescribed by a doctor, they can have severe adverse effects.
Dopamine levels in the brain can rise quickly, and to a great extent. People who crush and inject a tablet may have blockages in their small blood vessels, as some of the components do not break down.
Other street drugs that are based on the structure of amphetamine include methamphetamine, cathinone, ephedrine, MDMA ecstasy , and 2,5-Dimethoxymethylamphetamine DOM. These drugs can have a wide variety of overlapping effects that broadly fit into three categories:. These drugs are made illegally, and there is no control over their contents. For this reason, a person can easily consume something they do not expect to consume.
This can be hazardous, and, in some cases, fatal. Contraindications for amphetamines include :. Children and teenagers who have a heart problem may be at risk of sudden death if they use amphetamines. Anyone who is taking supplements should make sure their doctor knows about this, if they may be prescribed amphetamines.
The herbal supplement, St. New research finds that using focus boosting drugs without a prescription has few benefits and may affect memory and sleep quality in the long run. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive and illegal drug that is known for its euphoric effects. It is the second highest illicit drug used worldwide….