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To feel like a…. A regular guy? A regular guy. But what's interesting is that Hollywood has moved very heavily to favor the regular guy. Casting calls for movies, they want everyday people. I just watched Star Trek: Beyond and what's interesting is that all of the original cast were theatrically trained actors: William Shatner, Forrest Kelley, Leonard Nimoy, fantastic theater actors because that's what television actually was at that time.

Now you look at movies today, and it's almost as if the actors have become props. You put them on a soundstage and a lot of the storytelling is the special effects and the post-production. So they cast actors that are much less what I would call "types," and so, you know, it's been interesting because as an entertainer, another way of saying that I am an outsider is to say that I am a type actor.

So if you look at someone else who is a type actor—Arnold Schwarzenegger is a type actor. He is a type. He is himself and he does himself and 50 different selves. Morgan Freeman is a type actor. He is pretty much the same guy in every project in his acting career. This is opposed to people who are range actors—say, Christian Bale or Tom Hanks who they do truly different, richly different characters, you don't know what you're going to get in each film.

So I would say that Hollywood has moved more towards subdued range actors and further away from type actors. How do you think our relationship with social media and our online selves has changed? I think we're in an era of confessional media with Internet content. It's all about Snapchat, about vlogging. You've got to have this personal, everyday relationship with your fans. It was like, What is that guy doing?

There's a mythos to the brand and character. In many ways, the Internet has moved away from that in favor of very confessional, very conversational types of discourse. Would you undo "Chocolate Rain" and be a normal guy if you could? No, not at all. It's a calling card and very few people get calling cards like that. It's like whenever you walk into a room, everyone has your business card in your pocket. What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in the comments under the video?

That's another question you journalists love. You love the absolutes: the most, the greatest, the best. I don't get excited about comments. The best comments are when people share stories of how "Chocolate Rain" has positively impacted their lives. Like a mom saying their child can't stop singing it at bedtime. Those are my favorite stories to read.

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