Remember that your onboard safety settings allow you to set your safeties in such a way that you can never accidentally go suspect or criminal. You're scouting low security systems in a covert ops ship for a fleet and the fleet commander moves you to another wing or squad without telling you. This gives you a Session Change Timer which will prevent you from jumping through the gate you just arrived on. Unfortunately there happened to be a hostile there, and because you were decloaked by the stargate, you are destroyed.
So be sure to move when you have time to wait out the timer, and make sure you ask people if they can take a session change before moving them yourself.
You're ambushed by war targets landing on a station and they destroy your ship. You try to dock up with your pod, but cannot due to having a Session Change Timer from leaving your ship as it's destroyed. Since you wasted time trying to dock up, the enemy promptly pods you as well. So be sure to warp away from stations, gates, citadels, wormholes etc if your ship is destroyed, because you will not be able to dock up or jump through immediately after.
You're jumping through hostile space and encounter a gate camp on the other side of a gate. You can now relax, calm down, run your directional scanner , appraise the composition of the gate camp and consider your options for the full minute of the Jump Cloak Timer. This will allow you to make a calm and tactical decision which will greatly increase the odds of you making it through the camp alive. Categories : Needing updates Game mechanics. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history.
This page was last edited on 9 November , at Non-Capsuleer Log-Off Timer a. NPC-flag Cause: Combat with a non-capsuleer Consequence: Ship will remain in space on log-off until timer expires 5 minutes. Capsuleer Log-Off Timer a. PvP-flag complicated timer, see comments below Cause: Combat with another capsuleer. Consequence: Ship will remain in space on log-off until timer expires 15 minutes.
Weapons Timer Cause: Using offensive modules against another capsuleer or activating a bastion or command burst module. Consequence: Unable to jump, dock or eject from, store, refit or switch ships and prevents tethering 60 seconds. Suspect Timer Cause: Committed a "suspect"-level offense. Consequence: Capsuleers may freely engage 15 minutes. Criminal Timer Cause: Committed a "criminal"-level offense. Consequence: Capsuleers may freely engage. Limited Engagement Timer Cause: Involved in a limited engagement with 1 pilot or any number of pilots.
Consequence: These pilots may freely engage you while timer is active 5 minutes. Monitor this thread via RSS [? Pages: [1] :: one page. Posted - High sec, Jita or similar type region dumb question. Some 1 in fleet gets attacked, others may or may not be in system.
NOT at war with anyone. Can the others attack the pod of the ganker? I searched for this but could not find this answer It's complicated. About a year and a half ago, CCP updated Eve Online to encourage players to fight each other in player versus player combat. Under this update, the player who won a fight obtained Loyalty Points, which is an alternate type of currency. The amount of Loyalty Points awarded was based on the value of what was destroyed.
This value was based on the average price of an item. This is how the average price was calculated: Each day, the game keeps track of every item sold and the price at which it was sold. From this, it generates a daily average.
The Loyalty Points system looks at the average of that average over a period of time. That final figure determines the value of a destroyed item, and how many Loyalty Points a player earns by destroying it in PvP combat. By doing this, Porter distorted the average price of the item. He and his friends would then kit themselves out with the item, kill each other in the game, reap the Loyalty Points, and use them to buy more of the cheap items, resulting in an enormous profit.
Playing the market also has some parallels to real-world commodities markets, he says. The value of a resource fluctuates depending on the demand for it. Sometimes the cycles are weekly, sometimes they're monthly, sometimes a war will break out and the cost of resources will skyrocket as corporations scramble to ramp up their forces. They'll buy dozens or hundreds of ships and pieces of equipment all at once. It all comes back to the sandbox.
There isn't an infinite supply of weapons that players can just buy from a virtual store. Every item is made by someone. Once that item is destroyed, it's gone. I hear about The Mittani before I even start playing Eve. Every player I speak to knows the name and, depending on which side they fight for, has a different opinion of him.
He is very good at understanding the motivations of people and exploiting them to his own ends, which I say with considerable admiration. I consider him a friend and have never been disappointed by backing his plays. He runs an organization which ruthlessly and efficiently wins at most of the things it tries. If there's a faction you don't want to cross, it's the Goons. If Eve is a game where powers lie in the numbers, then Goonswarm Federation and the CFC are arguably the most powerful.
When members join, they are automatically given a combat ship. If they go out and destroy that ship in battle, Goonswarm will give them another. The alliance is powerful and wealthy enough to not be precious about its resources. It's one of the reasons so many players flock to Goonswarm Federation: The message they send to new players is come with us, kill some enemies, have some fun.
The Goons are a group of players who came from the Something Awful community, a comedy website with its own forums, comics, reviews and blogs. When asked what they were known for, aside from being the current superpower in Eve , one player described them as "professional shit-stirrers. During my chat with Alex "The Mittani" Gianturco, the retired attorney regales me with tales of the mischief he and and his teammates got into when they first started playing in One of the leaders of the corporation he was part of came up with an idea for a scam.
In the early days of Eve , players couldn't warp their ships to a stargate — they could only warp themselves within 15 kilometers of one. So after warping to a location, players would have to spend the next 15 clicks getting themselves to the actual stargate so they could enter a different part of space. Players tried to circumvent this through bookmarks, which are the precise coordinates that would get them to a specific gate.
Eve players would have hundreds of bookmarks, one for each region in the game. This system would later change, but before it did, Gianturco took part in a bookmark scam. The idea was to sell a set of bookmarks — they would be completely accurate, except for one which wasn't actually a bookmark for a gate.
We'd then loot their stuff and laugh at them. The Goons didn't set out to rule Eve Online as ruthlessly as they have. In fact, Gianturco says the game's previous superpower, Band of Brothers, provoked them into being what they are today. In Gianturco's version of events, when Goonswarm formed, it tried to be a group of good citizens. Spying, scamming and smack-talking were disapproved by the culture at the time, so it tried to fit in. The corporation didn't own any space and flew around in non-threatening ships called rifters.
Eventually, those rifters became bigger ships, and the corporation started taking its first steps into sovereign Null-Sec. Band of Brothers, the most powerful alliance at the time, decided it had had enough of the Goons and began forcing them out. After that, we got nasty. In his eyes, the Goons had done nothing to warrant this treatment. The gloves came off. In this particular war, the Goons were outnumbered. If this was a war fought solely with ships, it is unlikely they would have won.
Band of Brothers had too many allies on their side. But the Goons did win. They don't call Gianturco a spymaster for no reason. A member of Band of Brothers in a director's position secretly defected to the Goons in In , some three years into the war, Gianturco had a realization while sitting at his desk job in DC. In a moment that he describes being like "a brick to the head," he realized the defected director was in a position to disband the entire Band of Brothers alliance in a matter of clicks.
The spy had the delegated ability to remove other corporations from the alliance. He could kick out all the corporations, steal all the money and assets from the executor corporation and finally, when the alliance was empty, close the alliance. And that's exactly what happened. Gianturco didn't even have to log in to the game to orchestrate the disbandment.
Like most of the impressive feats achieved in Eve Online , the plotting and scheming took place outside the game. When the plan was in place, all he had to do was tell the director to pull the trigger. According to Gianturco, the Goons have remained in power in part due to his ruthlessness.
In his first tenure as CEO of Goonswarm, he says he was a terrible leader because he tried to create a democracy within the corporation.
They either implode or they get steamrolled. Obviously if someone has a valid criticism, you should try to fix those. But a lot of the time, people just try to stir shit. You don't make a big deal out of it. You don't announce it. When nobody's looking, just remove them. No man, no problem. Band of Brothers tried to reform after the disbandment, but a mechanic in Eve that requires players to wait 24 hours before they can form a new alliance meant they were too slow.
Most of their sovereignty was gone. The alliance flew under the name Kenzoku for a few months before the corporations went their separate ways. Molen is a year-old start-up manager who lives on the East Coast of the U. By his own admission, he was probably one of the most hated people in Eve.
We were not shy about it at all. The point of contention between Band of Brothers and the Goons was a philosophical one. The day Band of Brothers was disbanded, Molen didn't even have to log in to Eve to know that something was wrong. Yep, that's normal. It's a dumb mechanic, because it pushes people away from each other rather than creating group play and has a very low "value add" impact.
It's impossible to prevent awoxers getting in entirely especially if you are a line member, not a director , and when they dot hey can freely blap corp members. Realistically if they removed the ability to kill corp members it would go a long way to getting people to move out of the safety of NPC corps and "me an my alts" corps which get way too much focus nowadays.
Your best bet is to stick to an NPC corp though. The more people refusing to leave NPC corps, the more likely someone is going to take a look and say "hold on a minute, we should really be looking to encourage group play here". Dark Star Operations. Sky' Darkstar. Caldari Provisions. Caldari State. Leto Thule. Lucas Kell wrote: Yep, that's normal.
I regret to inform you that your heresy in requesting added sissification to the game, by removing the requirement to perform background checks and vet your new members -- has forced me to add your name to the kill-it-forward program.
An innocent carebear will be destroyed, in your name, and will be advised to contact you for compensation of lost assets. May BOB have mercy on your soul. Amarr Empire. Cannibal Kane. Actually, I think RR should go suspect if you rep a corp mate attacking another corpmate. Right now RR can freely help the awoxer. Dunno how big a fix that would be but it will certainly make the awoxer think twice if he has to risk loosing a RR boat. I don't think removing corp killing will bring in NPC chars since those same people also want wardecs to go away.
Just add sufficient risk to the awoxer. Lucas Kell wrote Lucas Kell wrote: The end result of awoxing is that players stay out of player corporations and either stay in NPC corps or roll their own corps. If that's an end result you are happy with then fair enough, play on. I'll continue to advise people to stick to those NPC corps if they want to be sure to avoid awoxing.
Malcolm Shinhwa. INB4 terrible advice and gross misunderstandings of game mechanics. EDIT: Dammit. Cannibal Kane wrote: Actually, I think RR should go suspect if you rep a corp mate attacking another corpmate.
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration. Bronson Hughes. I'm at a loss for words here EDIT: Lossmail or it didn't happen. I'm having a hard time believing your story.
Cannibal Kane wrote: I don't think removing corp killing will bring in NPC chars since those same people also want wardecs to go away. Leto Thule wrote: I must respectfully disagree.